During math I was happy to see the Ss retention of concepts learned on Friday, checked with C and he was able to demonstrate understanding successfully. N is feeling very successful with this, great participation with hand up much more enthusiasm.
A lesson today that was part LA part SS was learning how to debate (sort of). The topic was: Should our school have school uniforms? To set the stage I stressed no outbursts/comments that may influence others opinions, needed the opportunity to think independently first, later you'd have a chance to influence manipulate others views (they liked that!). We viewed many examples of what these uniforms might look like on the projector. I introduced the "T" Chart for a Pros/Cons list, talked about how it is a great tool for helping make all kinds of decisions throughout life. Students independently brainstormed for pros/cons for their chart in their writing book then answered the question either yes or no because... (the important part giving your reasons/backing up your opinion). After some time to do this, mixed results through the class, N took 3 reminders to get out his book and once out almost no writing occurred, a very reluctant writer at times (should he be given a different option, needs to write but... ideas/thoughts...) Next I randomly grouped the students into groups of about 4 and went over what to do in the groups, modelled good listening, speaking, etc. Each person was to take a turn sharing their pro/con list and their yes/no opinion, others were not to comment or interrupt at all, after everyone has a chance to share then move to discussion, again modelled ("I like what you said, I hadn't thought of.., yes but...) While the students were working in their groups I went around and recorded with the Flip thinking I will share the movie with them so they can see their group interactions and we as a class can discuss). Next back to your desks to update lists with any "fresh" ideas/thoughts from the discussion. Create pro/con list on the board together Ss can choose to add to either collumn if they think it is relevant to their thinking. Then had them "pick sides" yes or no in favour of opposed to getting school uniforms. 20 against 6 for. Moved them so they were sitting facing each other the yes and no group. "Debate" begins using the microphone and following guidelines similar to class meetings taking turns, listening, responding. I did some paraphrasing for clarity purposes. Return to seats and outline highlights. Now some think time (lunch time). After lunch reviewed and asked them to now write their opinion yes or no, why? Now 13 for and 13 opposed. Focussed on the importance of not judging too quickly, listening to other's opinions, being open to possibilities, etc.
Think I'd like to do more debates with them, their engagement seemed really positive. Am thinking that for a follow up to this lesson we'll use all those pros/cons we generated to write a persuasive paragraph (will require teaching paragraph structure first) and perhaps giving opportunities for presenting opinions orally, maybe developing a skit in groups demonstrating the side you agree with,....just thinking, tossing around ideas...
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